This week we learn about computer-aid.key point is "every digital media technology has an architecture using diagrams to compare physical architectures with digital architectures."CSCW (computer-supported cooperative work)is a field of research and design.Researchers in this field investigate how people work together in groups, and design computer-systems and networks to enable or facilitate group work.CSCW is considered to a part of a larger field known as CHI or HCI: human-computer interaction design, evaluation, implementation, and study of interactive computing systems for human use.we learn about CAD,CAM. It means people want sophisticated product.First I'm not understand CAD,CAM. But in infancy I'm learn mainly, architectures are relative with media, people, computer. dr.yoon everyday says People make media and then media make people.So people draw the many lines, connect the lines. surveillance is the close watch kept over someone or something. the panopticon is the history of surveillance. It was the dream of a transparent society, visible and legible in each of its parts, the dream of there no longer existing any zones of darkness, zones established by the privileges of royal power or the prerogatives of some corporation by Michel Foucault.What is the architecture of cyberspace?consider the hardware and software that links together(or separates) groups of people.e.g the bandwidth of a network, the network protocols, document and link formats
#architecrure of cyberspace세컨드 라이프두번째 현실
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