2008년 3월 29일 토요일

www: the world-wide web

WWW is a collaboratively authored hypertext. WWW stands on the basis hypertext. so, WWW is easy dig for the information and second answer is that it is standard. These days, WWW was used to the most famous internet use tool. But, if WWW was admiited as a standard, WWW is one of any other tools and then www was invented by Time berners-lee.
He has influence on development of internet technology. Because, he made an offer free of charge that world wide web technology.
The web is not a publication. Web sites are not paper. Yet the current thinking of web design is that of the magazine, newspaper, book, or catalog. Visually, aesthetically, legally, the web is treated as a physical page upon which text and images are written. We can easy to treat the web these reasons. But if we want to make detail of web, we should spende many time to do it.

who wrote/influenced the www standards?
IESG(Internet Engineering Steering Group)와 함께 인터넷에 대한 새로운 TCP/IP 표준을 개발하는 주요한 활동 그룹으로서 IAB의 기술적인 업무를 수행하는 단체이다. IAB는 ISOC(Internet Society :1992년 1월 결성)의 자문기구로 인터넷과 프로토콜의 설계와 인터넷 표준화를 제공한다. 참가자는 지원을 받아서 한다고 한다. 전세계인이 사용하는 인터넷에 표준을 제정한다는건 멋진일인 것 같다.

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